Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

In the late 1980s, WH Smiths (For non-Brits, this is an English retail book and stationery chain) and the Times Newspaper produced the top 100 classic books the 20th century. (I still have the list, if you are interested). Hazel had read 80+ of them and I had read 3 (I think). One of those that I had not read was "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance".

My son, Edward, decided recently that my cultural development was not a lost cause and lent it to me.

What, you may ask, has this to do with a blog on our U.S. trip. The book describes a 17 day journey by motorbike from Minnesota to California, punctuated by numerous philisophical discourses.

Now that my knowledge of the left hand side of the U.S. (The West) has increased 500% in the past two months, I know where both these places are and the journey is (more or less) our first four weeks, but in reverse.

But then Edward knew this, when he lent me the book, I think.

So far I have reached page 130 in the book, by which time, the motorcycle party has reached Yellowstone Park.

Exciting, isn't it.

(You will be relieved to know that I have now read over 70 of the Smiths/Times top 100 books.)

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