Monday, August 16, 2010

The Plan!

Like all good projects, this trip has a plan. Like all plans, it probably will not happen exactly like this, but it gives the appearance that we know what we are doing. So get out your maps of the U.S.A and here it is. I’ve have given you some clues, by the occasional use of words like North, East etc.

As you will see, this is a mixture of sight seeing, hiking, driving (a lot of driving) and meeting up with old friends.

Monday, 23rd - Arrive in San Francisco
Friday, 27th - 29th - Drive north and arrive in Newport, Oregon to stay with Norman and Teresa Austin.

Wednesday, 1st, 2nd - Drive East to West Yellowstone and spend a few days there.
Tuesday 7th - Arrive in the Bryce Canyon Area (having stopped on the way at Salt Lake City)
Thursdayish or Fridayish (9th, 10th) - Arrive in the Grand Canyon area

When we have been there for a few days, drive in a vaguely North East direction towards Denver.

Friday 17th - Arrive in Fort Collins (about 70 miles North of Denver) to meet up with Joy and Mike McQuillen (Dave McQuillen’s mum and dad)

Monday 20th - travel generally Northwards to Badlands and Mount Rushmore, before heading east to Minnesota and stay with Kay and Dennis.

Thursday 23rd - arrive in Minnesota: We spend about two weeks in this region, including one week hiking along the Lake Superior trail with old friends, watching the Twin Cities Marathon and then staying with Hazel’s housemate, Heather, from Sierra Leone from 30 years ago.

Wednesday 6th - Now it is even vaguer. Leave for Washington DC. A few days here, before heading off to New York. If we have time, we will go via Boston. In New York, we will meet up with Jim, another of Hazel’s friends from Sierra Leone and then with Natalie and Wayne, who used to live in Zurich.

Thursday 28th – Step back on the plane back at JFK to Zurich.

There it is folks. I will do my best to keep our progress up to date on the blog, and if I fail, I will blame the weather and British Rail.

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