Friday, August 13, 2010

What have we forgotten?

Well, we are nearly ready. We are now in "What have we forgotten?" mode.

New driving licences in a form that will be recognised in the U.S. are now on their way to us. We would have collected some U.S. dollars, except that I forgot that the Thalwil branch of Credit Suisse closes between 12.00 and 13.30 for lunch.

Monday, 23 August will see us up at the crack of dawn, that is, if we have managed to sleep at all. The flight to San Francisco is not scheduled to leave until 13.15, but having allowed for check-in, delays in the train (unthinkable), being ready to leave Thalwil early, our estimated time of arrival at the airport is about 10.00. (How many Sudoku puzzles can you do in 3 hours?)

The overall campaign plan is set. The map has been on the wall for two months now, and the yellow stickers are beginning to turn up at the edges.

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