Friday, August 20, 2010

Who is guarding the base camp?

Now I know that you are all very worried by the vexed question of who is going to look after our apartment when we leave for the U.S. You will be pleased to know that it will be in the capable and safe hands of my co-mini-triathlete, Richard Reinke.
He is the fine looking chap on the left (as you look at the picture).

It is complicated taking over someone else's apartment. There is so much to learn. Where is everything? How does all this stuff work? How can you tell the difference between the fridge and door to the pantry? The induction cooker alone requires a three day residential course.....and we have not even reached recycling yet. It is enough to drive anyone insane and I should know.

The really sad news is that Frances and Gizzy, the fierce, bold and highly computer literate guard dog, are going back to England, where Richard will join them at the end of the year. Double sad news. We will miss them all.

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