Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Right Hand side of the U.S.A (The East)

I know that I said that yesterday's entry was the last one before we really got going. But Alison, my oldest daughter, persuaded me that I should say something about the last four weeks of our trip. The left hand bit was great (that's the West). The two weeks in Minnesota and Lake Superior, with a game of American Football included, sounds fantastic. But my fans, my loving and devoted audience, want it all. They are expecting it. They are hanging with eager anticiption.

So here it is.

This map is not as eloquent as the earlier one. Seems to be a great deal of doubling back, so let me expand.

We will fly from Minneapolis to Baltimore on 7th October. For those of you who do not know your geography (like me), this is 50 miles or so North-West of Washington DC (That is up a bit, and then right). We will use this as a base to visit the Gettysburg Centre, which explains and reflects on this terrible battle in the American Civil War. (I visited this as a teenager, with my family in 1968).

From Baltimore, we will move to Washington DC, and spend a few days. How many? - who knows. From there to Boston (by currently unknown and undecided travel means - train seems to be the current favourite), and of course from there to New York.

Arrival back in Zurich on 28 October.

There you have it. 9 weeks to learn and see as much as we can about this country with its 3.8 million square miles and over 300 million people. We will have to start thinking soon about the next visit.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Saw your plane shortly after take off yesterday on my way to the Bridge afternoon at Toetie's.
    Wishing you all the best, and a great start to your odyssey! Bev
