Friday, August 27, 2010

Now we are motoring

Friday morning saw us up at the crack of dawn, and standing at the doorstep of "National" at 07.45, ready to collect our hire car, and then to embark on phase 2 of our epic journey. National were ready for us to and by 08.10, we were on our way and by 08.30, having filled up with petrol, we were (sort of) lost, trying to find our way on the Golden Gate bridge. They don't allow cars on to the cycle lane.

Filling up with petrol was a "learning" experience. It took three visits to the reception to get me familiar with the way this is done, by which time, the receptionist and I had become good friends.

Having negotiated our way out of San Francisco, we drove to Sonoma and through the Sonoma valley, with the largest vineyards that I have ever seen. Truly impressive.

From there to Bodega Bay, where Alfred Hitchcock filmed "The Birds" in 1961. He chose a very beautiful spot for this; not at all sinister. At the Bodega Bay Head, we had a first real view of the Pacific Ocean. Very windy. Gusts up to 40 mph were enough to batter the birds of prey, who were looking out for English tourists, who might lose their footing.

From there, a lovely winding drive up to Fort Bragg, with the views of the Pacific on our left the whole way.

Today was the first trial for the Garmin (I would never use a) GPS. Main lesson is that you should never allow two people to navigate at the same time. In the event of a dispute, switch the GPS off.

Saturday morning and we are sailing (metaphorically speaking) up the coast road, and then inland through the lovely "Avenue of the Giants", in this case, the Giant Redwood trees. Some of them are over 2,000 years old and stand over 350 feet tall.

Back on to the coastal road and then to Crescent City, where we are staying this evening. Fantastic views of the sun, setting over the Pacific Ocean. That's me, standing next to the lighthouse.

Two lovely days driving. On this stretch at least, very few other drivers which is an unusual experience. Sounds like famous last words.

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