Tuesday, August 24, 2010

We have arrived

We have arrived. After a surprisingly good nights sleep, it is now 4.00 in the afternoon your time and we are having breakfast at the Beresford Hotel in Downtown San Francisco. It seems strange not having to ask people if they speak English.

An unhurried and straightforward trip yesterday, the only exception being, having the entire contents of a carton of tomato juice emptied on me 30 minutes into our flight.

Apart from that, the flight was smooth (with more leg room and space than we had expected), the exit at U.S. customs was friendly. The shuttle ride into San Fransisco was shared with 7 other travellers, and the friendly driver, who negotioated his way through the rush hour traffic to deliver us safely at the doors of our hotel.

After a short walk, we had a drink and something to eat at Union Square. Photos to follow. Then bed (at 6.00 in the morning boday time).

Now it's off to the tourist information and here we go........

1 comment:

  1. But now you must speak, as Mark puts it 'Hoch Americanish' :)
