Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sailing in Minneapolis

Apart from a brief diversion to talk about the Baseball game on Wednesday, we left the Hawkers’ odyssey at the end of the Twin City Marathon on 3 October (which was very tiring, I must say). Marlin and Heather joined the Marathon party and took us back to their house, just a few miles away. In case you do not know (and actually, there is no reason why you should know this), Heather and Hazel shared a house when they were both working as volunteers in Sierra Leone 32 years ago.

We were greeted at their house by a canine reception party of the highest quality. Now that I have taken them out for walks, they will need to be retrained.

So many more Minneapolis (and St. Paul) sights to see. The Sculpture Garden was memorable, not least because the “Cherry on the Spoon” served as the Cities’ own sea-level version of the Mile High Club (please ask privately if this needs explaining). This has to be more conversation-worthy than the Henry Moore....and the neighbouring Basilica (Cathedral) was truly impressive.

Then as if this and Baseball were not enough, we had an afternoon on the White Bear Lake, on one of Marlin’s boats. .....and it gets even better.

The next morning, we went to the Mall of America, where for the first time, we saw an amusement park inside a shopping mall. (“We are going shopping. If you kids are good, you get to go on the rides”...or is it “Muuuummmm - Can we go shopping today?). This has to be the best bribery ever.

Then, sadly last Thursday (but after the baseball game), we had to say goodbye. Thank you, Marlin and Heather for a great time. We will be back again to sail on the other boats (and go on those rides).

As a final note, here is the view from their balcony. Quite a sight.

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